As I mentioned [over the phone, when we met last…], I specialize in helping agents grow their businesses. In order for me to be able to give you some additional ideas and strategies, I would like to spend our time today getting to know you and learning more about your business. Would that be ok?
How did you get started?
Where are you now?
What challenges do you have?
Where do you want to be?
What happens if you don’t get there?
Match Agent Pain Points with Your Value: You mentioned your goal is to get more listings by converting more leads. In our office, we offer a top agent mastermind where you can learn techniques from top listing agents.
Provide Proof of Success: That top agent session is one of the reasons that the agents are outperforming the board in (listings taken/ listings sold/etc.) by (number) percent over (the time period). That is the equivalent to (number) of listings.
Ask Recruit the Value They See: Can you see how this can help your business? (to get soft yes) Quantify the Impact: Just from looking at the opportunity of attending this monthly mastermind, what do you think the impact would be on your business? How many additional transactions do you see yourself doing? (have an idea of how many more transactions)
Express Enthusiasm at the Thought of the Agent Affiliating: I’m so excited to help you achieve your goals and get you [their why].
Based on everything we have discussed, I think we will make great partners. Would you agree?
Rate on a Scale of 1 to 10: On a scale of 1 to 10, how interested are you in joining my team, 1 being “Not really interested” to 10 being “Where do I sign?” (allow for silence) (If not a 10) What would it take to get you to a 10?